Unlock the full potential of your protein-based and small molecule drug discovery projects with our range of specialised services tailored to meet your unique needs.
Live viewing of a 3D model of your protein created using AlphaFold. Includes a 2-hour zoom meeting with a structural biologist, 3D model of your protein and Q&A.
Gain continuous monthly access to the expertise of our consultants to answer any of your protein-specific questions.
Talk to us about your protein-based project and we will work together to address your needs and deliver the results you want to achieve.
We will assess your project idea for its likelihood to suceed and provide you with a recommended path forward.
We will meet with the scientists of your potential investee and deliver an independent report assessing the chance for success of their scientific approach. We will identify any potential underlying flaws and likely indicators for failure.
Customised design of crucial experiments, including implementation assistance and feedback on results.
Identify druggable sites on your protein. Identify binding sites using an existing protein model, scoring and prioritization based on desired characteristics and outcomes.
Identify novel small molecule protein binders / inhibitors. Virtual screen of a library of >1 million drug-like compounds, scoring and raking of binders to identify top 1000 hits.
Identify druggable sites on an existing protein structure or computational model and perform a high-throughput virtual screen on a selected site. Produces a ranked list of druggable sites and a ranked list of top 1000 drug-like compounds predicted to bind to the protein.